How-to add documentation in english to the Yanel website realm

This tutorial assumes that you've already installed Yanel with support for SSL in /usr/local/wyona and are able to view content in Firefox. 
You may also want to install Yulup to edit whatever you are authoring.

It is *a* way of creating content within Yanel.

1.  At click on 'Turn on toolbar'.
    You should now see a Yanel menu at the top of the page.

2. Click on the 'Yanel Website' link in the Registered Realms section.

3. Click on 'Learn more about Yanel'

4. Click on 'Documentation'

5. Take a moment to consider how what you are intending to add fits into the existing documentation structure.
   You need to decide what resource type you want to create, where it will be placed and how to link to it.

   For this tutorial, we will create a new tutorial called 'Adding Some Content' which will be placed at
   which translates to

 6.  On the Yanel menu, select 'File-New-Standard page' which will redirect you to a login page for the 'Yanel Website' realm.

 7. You may login with 'alice', 'levi'.  After successfully logging in you will be redirected to Step 1 of creating a new page.

    In the 'title:' property text box enter the title that you would like to have for the page - 'Adding some content'

    In 'Save as:' use the directory tree to navigate to where the new content is to be placed.  For this tutorial this means,

    Be very careful as there are currently no warnings about overwriting.  If you do overwrite something,  you may want to make
    use of subversions revert command to restore what was overwritten.

    In the 'New name:' text box enter 'tutorials/add-some-content/index.html'

    Review your work and the click on the 'Save new resource' button.  This will create the resource and move you to a confirmation and summary page.

 8. Now that you've created the new resource, you may edit it by clicking on the link on the confirmation/summary page.

 9. To start the Yulup editor, click on the Yulup icon on the upper right hand corner of the Firefix window and select 'Login'.
    You many logi using 'alice', 'levi'.

10. Once again click on the Yulup icon and select 'Checkout and Edit "index.html"'  This will load the document into the Yulup editor interface.

11. Edit the document by exploring what Yulup can do and when you are done click on the disk and select 'Check back in to CMS and exit' icon on the Yulup toolbar to commit your changes.

12. Congratulations!  You created some new content in Yanel using Yulup.

    If you are really working on documenation for Yanel and you have commit privileges for the project
    you will need to use subversion to add the content you just created.  One way of doing this is to open a shell and use the following sequence of commands:

    cd /usr/local/wyona/yanel-trunk/src/realms/yanel-website
    egrep -rio 'Adding some content' *

    This will allow you to find what you created within the file system.

    When writing this tutorial, egrep returned

    content/9e6fb7cd-8e79-431c-8d81-0cad8bb5eeed:Adding some content
    Adding some content
    content/9e6fb7cd-8e79-431c-8d81-0cad8bb5eeed.yarep/revisions/1204347225811/content:Adding some content
    Adding some content

   You will notice that Yulup makes use of Yarep as a data abstraction layer which introduces version control for the resource (content) you created.

   To add this content to the Yanel subversion repository at Wyona, you need to add the current version of the content

   svn add content/9e6fb7cd-8e79-431c-8d81-0cad8bb5eeed

   and the repository for the content.

   svn add content/9e6fb7cd-8e79-431c-8d81-0cad8bb5eeed.yarep/

   You don't want to really commit the results of this tutorial to the Yanel repository at Wyona so you should remove your local modifications

   svn del --force content/9e6fb7cd-8e79-431c-8d81-0cad8bb5eeed
   svn del --force content/9e6fb7cd-8e79-431c-8d81-0cad8bb5eeed.yarep/

   If you are not a commiter but have created some documentation, please create a patch

Your comments are much appreciated

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