Resource Type Configuration Map

To configure a bunch of URLs in the same way, one can use a resource type configuration map, which is an XML file called map.rc-map. This file has to be in the repository which is configured as the rti (resource type identifier) repository in a realm (in the file realm.xml).

Within this file, one can define a wildcard matcher to select a group of URLs which points for every match to one resource-type-configuration, as in this example:

  <matcher pattern="/Xopus**.html" rcpath="/node_yanel-rc.xml"/>
  <matcher pattern="**.tinymce-edit.html" rcpath="/usecases/tinymce.html.yanel-rc"/>
  <matcher pattern="/**/create-new-page.html" rcpath="/create-new-page.html.yanel-rc"/>
  <matcher pattern="/**.html" rcpath="/generic-xhtml-page_yanel-rc.xml"/>

Please note that the attribute rcpath uses absolute pathnames, because each repository is considered a separate volume, and all paths refer to the root of this volume, in this case the directory where the resource type configuration repository is located.


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