How to add a new realm

This document explains how to add a new realm to Yanel. We will explain this using the 'Yulup Editor' website as an example. From now on, we will refer to the directories that contain Yanel and the 'Yulup Editor' website as $YANEL_HOME and $YULUP_WEBSITE .

Please note that the order of the realms doesn't matter. A request is dispatched to the realm with the longest matching mount-point.

Also note that IIRC the root attribute (see the welcome realm configuration) is used for inheritance. For example, if a realm does not specify a proxy configuration, it will inherit this configuration from the root realm.

The attribute 'user-tracking-domain-id' is optional and if not set, then the realm ID will be used instead. The attribute 'user-tracking-domain-id' is used for user tracking (see access log).

Some publicly available Third-Party realms

Developer Notes

If you want to modify the output of "./ add-realm" you need to edit the Ant file where the "add-realm" target is defined:


In that file you see the entry:

<target name="add-realm" description="Add third party realm" depends="init, build-add-realm-task">

This is where the target "add-realm is defined and configured. Inside this element there is another entry:"

<taskdef name="addrealm" classpath="${yanel.source.home}/build/classes" classname="org.wyona.yanel.ant.AddRealmTask">

The "classname" attribute defines the java class that will be executed for the "add-realm" target:
