
Also see the Timeline of this roadmap.

Release 1.0

Feature Status Due Date Assigned To Task Tracker
Neutron Spec v0 implemented done 2006.12.31 Michael -
RSS Feed done 2006.12.31 Paloma -
Creator done 2007.05.31 Simon/Michael 5294
Creator: Realm specific XSLT done 2007.06.15 Simon/Michael 5294
XHTML resource out-of-the-box done 2007.06.15 Simon/Michael 5294
Simple Workflow: Submit, Review, Publish/Reject done 2007.06.15 Josias/Michael 4948
Navigation Framework done 2007.03.30 Josias -
Nutch done 2007.02.28 Michael -
Import an existing website as a new realm done 2007.04.13 Jonathan/Josias -
Wiki done 2007.04.30 Josias/Michael 5295
Versioning (Yarep) done 2007.01.31 Josias -
Asset Upload (Image, PDF, Movie, etc.)
done 2007.05.31 Andreas/Michael 5296
Lookup (Yulup) done 2007.05.31 Andreas/Michael 5283
Create a realm from scratch done 2007.04.13 Jonathan/Josias -
Register third-party realm mostly done 2008.05.01 Josias 5297
Binary installer/Update resp. Dependency manager mostly done 2008.05.01 Simon/Michael 5206
Calendar (ICS) resource done 2006.12.29 Michael -
Testing Environment: Functional, Performance, Scalability done 2007.02.16 Simon -
RTI as XML done 2007.02.16 Michael/Josias -
Versioned configuration done 2007.03.14 Simon -
Contact form resource done 2007.01.10 Paloma -
Locking of Write Access done 2007.02.28 Josias -
Access Control User Interface mostly done 2008.02.29 Josias/Michael 5116
Toolbar done 2007.04.13 Josias/Michael -
Misc resp. Release 1.0 Tracking Task
in progress 2008.05.01 All 5163

Release 1.1

Feature Status Due Date Assigned To Task Tracker
Standard and Custom Meta Data in progress 2008.06.01 Josias/Michael 5298
Navigation Editor in planning 2008.05.01 Simon, Jonathan -
Archive URL resource in progress 2008.07.01 Michael/Tonio 5425
User Interface for Versioning in progress 2008.07.01 Josias -
FOP/PDF resource done 2007.07.26 Jonathan 5278
Diffs of Versions in planning TBD Josias -
Pipeline resource ("Mini-Cocoon") in planning TBD TBD -
Dynamic introspection done 2007.03.30 Josias -
Form Framework in planning TBD TBD -
Simile Timeline done 2007.08.09 Michael -
Annotations done 2007.02.28 Florian, Ilhan -
Personalization in planning TBD Michael -
Related Search in planning TBD Michael -
Sitemap Protocol (on Google) in planning TBD TBD -
Neutron Test Client Resource in planning TBD TBD -

Release 1.2

Feature Status Due Date Assigned To Task Tracker
Integration of Third Party Workflow component not started TBD TBD -
Notification not started TBD TBD -
Celtx resource in planning TBD Michael -
Alternative (e.g. AJAX based) User Interface (not just Firefox users ...) not started TBD Paloma -
Caching not started TBD TBD -
Link Checker not started TBD TBD -
LDAP Integration done 2007.11.29 Simon/Michael -
OpenID Consumer Integration done 2008.01.26 Michael/Evaldas 5184
OpenID Server Integration not started yet TBD Evaldas/Michael 5184
WebDAV in progress TBD Michael -
References between translations done 2007.12.31 Josias/Paloma -
EBPP (Electronic Billing Presentation and Payment) Resource in planning TBD Donat -

Release 1.3

Feature Status Due Date Assigned To Task Tracker
Statistics (e.g. Integration of webalizer)
not started TBD TBD -
Validation re RelaxNG and XML Schema not started TBD TBD -
Page moved functionality not started TBD Michael -
eLML resource not started TBD TBD -
FOAF Provider Server in progress TBD Michael -
SOAP Resource done 2007.12.07 Evaldas/Michael 5779

Your comments are much appreciated

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